Blog Post #3

 As a teacher, I want to teach my students about copyright and fair use regardless of their age. With that being said, it is important to teach them based on what grade level. I would want to practice with small activities, simple quizzes as well as giving them scenarios so that they can understand the importance. What I learned about copyright and fair use is that simply giving credit, is not enough, and that you have to make sure you are thorough with your citation. Slapping their name on the end of your product is not acceptable and will cause copyright issues.

One of the technology implementation issues I would like to focus on in my classroom is student privacy. Numerous friends of mine, and myself included, are used to "internet stalking" people that we are interested romantically, or anyone that we so choose. One of my friends in particular was able to find almost everything about one of the men she was interested in down to his high school and even his address. All of this information that she found is all public knowledge and is easy to find. I want to explain to my students how important their privacy is and when they keep their information private, they are protecting themselves from danger and keeping themselves safe.

I personally have only used AI for generated images. I have never used AI in any other context. I would like to keep AI out of my classroom because I want to make sure that my students are creative in their own right and do not rely on AI to do their own work. In my opinion, AI reduces creativity and it puts your personal information at risk. I do not know how AI works, but I am very careful with what information that I give to any electronic source. It all goes back to internet safety. I have seen on the news that numerous writers in Hollywood are without a job because of AI, because directors believe that AI is a better writer that actual people. Although AI is cheaper and quicker, it lacks the human emotion and connection in scripts and other creative works due to it not having a human bias. I want my students to be able to create with their own minds instead of relying on AI because it could be detrimental to their development by reducing their creativity and making them more reliant on technology.

I had a lot of fun designing the newsletter for Assignment 1. I learned how to make columns as well as create a banner in Canva. I don't use Canva that often, so it was fun to play around with the app and figure out how to use it. In the future, I think I would try to restructure my piece. I want to focus more on the layout. I also had trouble coming up with a lesson plan off the top of my head with nothing to go off of. I believe I can use these skills to send newsletters to parents as well as create ads for any marketing positions. 


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